An Underutilized Leguminous Crop: Bambara Groundnut

Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc)  could be a legume native to Africa and is cultivated across the semi-arid Black Africa region. it's a hardy crop and has been recognized as a crucial alimentary food supply once food is scarce. this might be attributed to its climate-smart features, together with its ability to repair nitrogen, and to grow below adverse environmental conditions cherish poor soils and drought. This nutrient-dense legume is usually termed a “complete food” because of its balanced macronutrient composition. Bambara groundnut contains ~64.4rbohydrate, 23.6% protein, 6.5t, and 5.5% fiber and is made in minerals. it's comparatively underutilized compared with major money crops and has usually been related to small-scale, subsistence farming, with girls being the main producers and processors. the employment constraints of Bambara groundnut embody the data gap in improved seed system, agronomical practices, processing, and utilization. Genetics, agronomy, and organic process aspects of Bambara groundnut and its food uses have recently been reviewed by alternative authors. This paper provides an outline of the worth chain and discusses the potential role of Bambara groundnut in closing the gaps within the food system to confirm property of food and nutritional security.

Productivity Traits and Agro ecological Adaptation

Variation in Bambara groundnut productivity has been attributed to agro ecological factors; cherish climate, soil fertility, water availability, and day length. Nonetheless, it's been shown to exhibit ability across totally different regions below various growing conditions. For instance, the crop exhibits tolerance to soil acidity and low soil fertility, similarly as adaptability to the tropical degraded acidic soils. Despite being classified as a facultative short-day crop for pod set, several landraces have tailored to regions with a broad vary of day lengths. Physiological experiments have also disclosed sensible recovery qualities once the crop is subjected to water stress. Its yield is reportable to be on top of those of chickpea and almost like groundnut cultivars below comparable drought stress conditions. this means that choice for drought tolerance is essential considering that the crop is mostly cultivated in arid to semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Restricted studies indicated that, though field drought conditions cut back the seed yield in Bambara groundnut, there's no impact on the organic process quality of the seed . This trend has been ascertained in limited landraces and conjointly in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), however additional studies on Bambara groundnut would be required to verify this hypothesis.

Some areas wherever Bambara groundnut is fully grown have poor soils that are lacking in chemical element. Most farmers in those regions don't apply artificial fertilizers to their crops as a result of the prices is usually prohibitive. Bambara groundnut, as alternative modulating legumes, can fix atmospherically nitrogen to refill soil nitrogen, therefore creating it a possible companion crop for intercropping and motion systems. it's often intercropped with cereals and root crops which will give a major quantity of the calorie intake. Its incorporation into crop rotation cycles can facilitate to keep up soil fertility and break the cycles of pests and diseases, that is advantageous to resource poor farmers who may typically be unable to afford fertilizers and pesticides. Incorporation of Bambara groundnut in intercropping system with maize has been shown to extend the productivity of maize, indicating its potential contribution toward agro biodiversity and after food security. Variable rates and quantity of organic process are ascertained for various Bambara groundnut accessions, and also the improvement of dependent chemical element fixation was indicated to doubtless increase its yield. The variability of nitrogen fixing capability among Bambara groundnut landraces offers space for variety improvement and a positive correlation with yield would be a perfect situation for the breeder.

Balanced Macronutrient Composition


Carbohydrates are the foremost plethoric macronutrient in Bambara groundnut, accounting for up to 64.4% of the overall dry weight of the seed. the bulk of the saccharine fraction is advanced oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, of that starch accounts for up to 49.5% of the total carbohydrates. The reportable starch content of Bambara groundnut seeds varies significantly (22 to 49.5% of dry seed weight), betting on genetic and environmental factors, stage of maturation, and methodology of analysis. Amylose represents 19.6–35.1% of the overall starch content, whereas the remainder of the constituents consist primarily of amylopectin and a little amount (1–2%) of protein, lipid, and ash. Raw Bambara groundnut incorporates a higher proportion of slowly predigested starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) than apace digestible starch (RDS), implicating poor digestibleness. Nonetheless, preparation will well increase the RDS fraction, thereby rising digestibility and saccharide availability.


The protein content of Bambara groundnut ranges from 9.6 to 40% , with a median worth of 23.6%. This variation is additionally attributed to variations in genetic background, growing conditions, and analytical techniques used for estimation (e.g., chemical element conversion factor). Storage macromolecules are the predominant protein fractions in Bambara groundnut, of that vicilin (7S) is reportable to be the main constituent, followed by legumin (11S).

 High protein content could be a fascinating attribute in foods; however the importance of protein quality, which is set by each organic compound composition and protein digestibility, shouldn't be overlooked. Variability in amino acid profile between cultivars of Bambara groundnut is evident. In general, most studies report aminoalkanoic acid to be the foremost plethoric amino acid in Bambara groundnut, suggesting its potential to be isolated to be used as a seasoned agent. Out of the essential amino acids, essential amino acid and essential amino acid are gift at the next concentration whereas essential amino acid is that the lowest. Phenylalanine, valine, histidine, and essential amino acid were conjointly reportable to be present in high concentrations, while essential amino acid has been found to be the limiting amino acid. Its lysine-rich, methionine-poor composition makes Bambara groundnut an honest complementary macromolecule supply to cereals, that are usually deficient in lysine however made in methionine. The in vitro protein digestibleness (IVPD) of raw and stewed Bambara groundnut varies between seventy and 81% and 82 and 87.5%, respectively. The rise of IVPD when preparation is attributed to the destruction of warmth labile anti nutritional factors (ANFs) and fragmentation of native proteins into smaller polypeptides, after rising accelerator accessibility and protein bioavailability.


there's tidy variation (1.4 and 9.7%) within the reportable values of macromolecule content in Bambara groundnut. the bulk of fatty acids in Bambara groundnut are unsaturated, predominated by oleic and linoleic acids (omega-6). hexadecanoic acid is that the third most plethoric fatty acid, and omega-6 fatty acid (omega-3) is gift at an occasional concentration. whereas having high unsaturated fatty acid content is appealing from a client health perspective, it will increase the condition of fats to reaction and rancidity. Therefore, the top uses ought to be taken into thought once choosing the fascinating attribute of macromolecule composition.

Rich in Essential Micronutrients


The most abundant minerals in Bambara groundnut are potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron. Halimi et al reported that the levels of these minerals were higher than those found in commonly consumed legumes such as chickpea and mung bean, but they vary by cultivar and growing conditions. The presence of ANFs in the seeds can adversely affect the bioavailability of the minerals. Gwala et al. reported that the concentration and bioaccessibility of calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc in Bambara groundnut seeds were influenced by factors such as storage period, processing method, location of mineral in the seeds (testa or cotyledons), and the degree and strength of mineral chelation. Despite being a relatively good source of these minerals, it is unlikely that the dietary needs of individuals can be met through consumption of Bambara groundnut alone.

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